First of all, I think that is necessary to think strikes as a way to express not only
particular opinions, but collective demands. In that way, I think that
university strikes in Chile as high school strikes are mechanisms of
expressions that are internally legitimated. I mean, internally because, as a
way of expression, it cause different impressions and feelings in population.
Anyway, if there are bad opinions and feelings about strikes, I don't see them
as a bad thing, because that's the point of striking.
So, I agree
with this way of expression, then I participate too. Last year I didn't have
the chance to participate always, because I had to work during that time, but
now I'm not working so I’m expecting to participate as I would to. As I said,
strikes are internally legitimated, not only because it has become a
traditional way to express, but also because is a way to disturb the routine of
the institutions and the routine of the people related with institutions that
seems to be affected with strikes (I mean, institutions like universities,
schools, education minister, government, and so on). As a result of that
disturb, institutions are obligated to give answers to students demands. I
think that the problem is that institutional answers are not always
satisfactory because, at the time, there are not true intentions to make
structural changes. So, related with that, there are some troubles that appear
like losing classes. I think that both things are related because while we are not
having classes, we have not the time to think how to recuperate them without
the damage of our knowledge. But, in the other hand, there are not responses to
our demands or projects that change the structural problems so, even if we
recuperate our classes, educational system is still getting worse.
As a
conclusion, I think that to resolve that issue (losing classes), is necessary
to stop, to strike, everyone and everything, to disturb and interrupt the
course of this bad-educational-system and resolve in real terms the structural
problems. Then, it would be possibly to restart our classes and have a good
(and free) education and will have not to strike anymore.